Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sales for my Sails!

I sent all of my inventory out to Seattle. My sister was having a girls night in and said that some of her friends might like to look at my jewelry. I was leaving for the trip to the Bahamas so, why not? I packaged it all up with pretty bags and descriptions for each items and sent it off. That was in June. I just got an e-mail from my sister. I think my wares were a hit! Just the motivation I needed to get into gear and make more! I have been having fun so far on the trip and have not set aside time to work. I think Jeff and I are planning to cut the trip short by a few weeks so that we can get back and settle into Florida before the next season starts up. I have found so many treasures here on the beaches that I can't wait to get home and start creating! I should have some new items around the end of September. Cheers to all! Anne

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