Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Business Time!

Well, my goodness how is it June already?  The heat of summer is upon us and it's not even close to the solstice yet!  May was really great.  Lots of earrings are adorning lobes from Cleveland, Ohio to Marco Island, Florida.
All of the Mother's Day earrings have sold as well as a number of necklaces and I am out of long earwires. Time to get cracking on new stuff!
Speaking of new stuff I have been to the City Hall here in Collier County and applied for a business license.  My business is now Ag Lovett Designs.  A good friend of mine in North Carolina is building a website for me and my domain name is www.aglovett.com!  The site as of now is "parked" and if you type in aglovett.com it will forward you to this blog.  I will keep c'est la bead as my blog name but for business it will be Ag Lovett designs.
So, here is the question, what do you love about shopping online. What do you hate?  If I build a website I want it to be easy to navigate but what does that mean?  Any and all suggestions are encouraged.

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